Nancy Trapp TCTM Leadership Award Application

The Nancy Trapp TCTM Leadership Award is presented to a TCTM member who is nominated by a TCTM Affliate Group. This person is to be honored for his/her contributions to the improvement of mathematics education at the local and state level. He/she has designed innovative staff development and has promoted the local TCTM Affliate mathematics council. 

Information about the person nominating a candidate. (full name)
Information about the person nominating a candidate. (full address)
Information about the person nominating a candidate. (city)
Information about the person nominating a candidate. (abbr. state)
Information about the person nominating a candidate. (your zip code)
Information about the person nominating a candidate. (full email)
Information about the person nominating a candidate. (preferred phone)
Information about the person nominating a candidate. (district/affiliation)
Information about the person nominating a candidate. (ESC number)
Are you a member of TCTM?
Are you a member of the NCTM?
Please list the nominee's full name.
Please list the nominee's street address.
Please list the nominee's city of residence.
Please list the nominee's state of residence.
Please list the nominee's zip code.
Please list the nominee's primary email address.
Please list the nominee's preferred phone number.
Please list the nominee's district or affiliation.
Please list the nominee's Education Service Center number.
Is the nominee a member of TCTM?
Is the nominee a member of NCTM?
Is the nominee a retired?
One-page, one-sided essay indicating why the nominee should be honored for his/her contribution to the improvement of mathematics education at the local/ state level. Also include biographical information, such as: Professional activities, National offices or committees, State TCTM offices held, Local TCTM-Afflliated Group offices held, Staff Development, Honors/awards. File must be in PDF format.
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