Jane Silvey

The Texas Council of Teachers of Mathematics (TCTM) is proud to announce that it has chosen to honor Jane Silvey, of Region 7 Education Service Center, with its annual TCTM Leadership Award. The TCTM Leadership Award recognizes outstanding service at the local and/or state level in the field of mathematics education.

“I have worked with Jane for a number of years,” said Paul Gray, TCTM President. Gray will be presenting Silvey with her award at the 56th Annual Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT), which was held in Houston, Texas, on July 15-17, 2009. “Jane has been an inspirational leader across the state of Texas, always encouraging mathematics teachers at every grade level to look for ways to better serve their students. When you look at other states, Texas is at the cutting edge of mathematics education. We are in that position largely because of leaders like Jane.”

Silvey began her teaching career in 1969 in Irving ISD as a special education teacher. She continued teaching special education both in Texas and out of state for many years. Then in the early 1990s, Silvey returned to school to complete a mathematics degree and begin a new teaching career in secondary mathematics. In 1996, Silvey attended the original TEXTEAM’s Algebra I Institute presented by Dr. Susan Williams from University of Houston. Since that time Silvey has referred to herself as a “born again mathematician” crediting that training for changing her philosophy of teaching mathematics and providing her a deeper understanding of algebraic connections.

During the following years, Silvey has worked on numerous state committees and advisory boards. She has worked as a co-writer on several state mathematical trainings. Her most recent projects include working on the MTC Geometry and the professional development component for the Texas Response to Curriculum Focal Points. Silvey is also one of the sixteen national trainers for Stanford University’s School Redesign Network.

Fourteen years ago, Silvey began working at Region 7 Education Service Center as an Educational Specialists in Mathematics and also served as Coordinator of the Math/Science Cooperative. She currently serves as the Assistant Director of the Center for Curriculum Services at Region 7.

January, 2009