Beverly Burg Anderson
This year, TCTM is pleased to honor Beverly Burg Anderson for her leadership in the South Plains region and across the state of Texas.
Beverly Burg Anderson is an independent mathematics consultant who shares her years of experience with students throughout Texas. She began her teaching career at Aransas County ISD, Rockport, Texas as a 6th grade mathematics teacher. She taught there for four years until she married her husband and moved back to the Texas Hill Country where she grew up. She then left the education field for a short period and worked as a Deputy Tax Assessor-Collector for Blanco County and a Deputy Purchasing Agent for Sul Ross State University, Alpine, Texas.
Beverly and her husband then moved to the Texas South Plains where she got a teaching position of 7th-12th grade mathematics at Meadow, Texas. For 12 years, she was actively involved in all aspects of the school, serving on district committees, was National Honor Society sponsor, class sponsor, and developed UIL math, calculator, and number sense teams. While at Meadow ISD Anderson attended Texas Education Agency mathematics trainings and soon was conducting mathematics professional development workshops for Region 17 Education Service Center (ESC-17) in Lubbock, Texas.
In the early 1990s, ESC-17 formed a Mathematics/Science Cooperative for their school districts, and Anderson was hired as the first K-12 mathematics/science specialist. She formed the mathematics and science professional development programs and for more than 17 years provided staff development and leadership in mathematics to teachers and administrators, while she continued to grow professionally. Being a lifelong learner, Anderson brought back many new instructional strategies and mathematics content to Region 17 teachers. She also participated in many grants with local universities and school districts and was on advisory committees to pursue such grants. In 1993 she was on the original organizing committee that formed the Panhandle Area Math and Science Conference held in Canyon, Texas every September. Throughout her years at ESC-17, Beverly took part in many TEA trainings, served on advisory and educator committees, suggested school districts as pilot sites, and participated and supported the math and science programs implemented by the State Initiatives Department.
Anderson is currently a member of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (NCSM), Texas Council of Teachers of Mathematics (TCTM), and Texas Association of Supervisors of Mathematics (TASM) and has made presentations at national, state, and local math conferences. She served as the Northwest Regional Director for TCTM. She is currently serving on the Program Committee for CAMT 2011. Her mantra has always been building relationships for “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”