Candidates for the 2019 TCTM Election
President: Jennifer Hylemon or Mary Swarthout
Vice-President Elementary: Dittika Gupta or Audrey Meador
Treasurer: Martha Godwin or Kathleen Hart
South Regional Director (ESCs 1-2-3): Pragati Bannerjee or Kimberly Moore
Southeast Regional Director (ESCs 4-5-6): Crystal Munsinger or Shertia L. Wilson-Rodgers
Southwest Regional Director (ESCs 15-18-19): Christopher Hiatt
As a member of TCTM you are eligible to vote for the positions of President, Vice-President Elementary, Vice-President Secondary, Treasurer and Secretary as their offices come up for election in alternating years. To vote for a regional director, you must live in that region's geographic area. If you are not sure what Education Service Center (ESC) region you live in, please click here for geographic information.
If you wish to run for a TCTM office, please contact President Kathy Hale and volunteer for the positions we will be voting on in the Spring of 2020. Thank you for supporting TCTM by participating in our elections.