TCTM Grant Information
What is the goal of the 2019 TCTM Grant?
To help teachers and professional organizations in Texas improve mathematics teaching and learning. Applicants must be members of TCTM.
When are applications due?
November 30, 2018
What information do we need on the grant application?
Apply online with our online grant application.
When will recipients be notified they will receive the grant?
January 31, 2019 for the 2019 TCTM Grant period
When is the 2018 TCTM Grant period?
February 1, 2019 through January 31, 2020
Who is eligible to receive the grant?
K-12 educators, university faculty and NCTM affiliate groups in Texas. Applicants must be current TCTM members. If you have a question about your membership, contact (Note, pre-service teachers are not included as they have a scholarship.)
Can the grant be awarded to a group of teachers? To another NCTM or NCSM affiliate organization?
Yes, if they are in Texas.
What is the maximum grant award to any individual or group?
- Grant requests up to $800 will be accepted.
- Winners must complete a W-9 form, including providing TCTM with a taxpayer ID (Social Security) number prior to receipt of the award. Winners are responsible for reporting the amount of this award on their federal tax return for 2019, as the information will be reported to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Pursuant to IRS regulations, TCTM will provide you with a 1099-MISC for 2019 by January 31, 2020 if your award exceeds $600.00.
How can the grant funds be used?
The application should contain a short statement about how the funds will be used. Uses include (1) improving mathematics classroom(s), or (2) helping your school achieve its goals related to mathematics, or (3) promoting mathematics teaching and learning, or (4) improving your ability to teach mathematics. The following examples are suggestions:
- Tuition for mathematics or mathematics education courses at colleges or universities in Texas; tuition can be applied to one or two semesters of courses; if requested, funds will be sent directly to the university or college.
- Travel for a teacher to attend local, state, national or international mathematics or mathematics education conferences (such as NCTM, CAMT, or AACTM). Travel includes transportation to and from the conference, food, hotel, registration fees, parking at a garage (if flying), and incidentals (such as taxis, tips).
- Expenses for an affiliate to conduct a conference (such as room rental fees, printing costs, food for participants, custodial services, insurance, marketing give a-ways such as luggage tags or sticky note pads);
- Resources for university faculty and/or pre-service student groups to promote mathematics education; and
- Funds to a teacher for resources for the classroom to promote mathematics education.
What information do we need after the grant period has ended?
A short report (1-2 pages) and/or receipts indicating how the funds were used.