Jo Ann Wheeler

The Texas Council of Teachers of Mathematics (TCTM) is proud to announce that it has chosen to honor Jo Ann Wheeler, of Region 4 Education Service Center, with its annual E. Glenadine Gibb Award. The E. Glenadine Gibb Award recognizes outstanding service at the state and/or national level in the field of mathematics education.

“I have worked with Jo Ann for a number of years,” said Paul Gray, TCTM President. Gray will be presenting Wheeler with her award at the 56th Annual Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT), which was held in Houston, Texas, on July 15-17, 2009. “Jo Ann has been a mentor to me and countless other mathematics teachers and supervisors, not only in Texas, but across the nation. The projects and initiatives that Jo Ann has inspired have not only revolutionized my own classroom teaching, but continue to have significant influences on classroom teachers across the state and the nation.”

Wheeler began her mathematics teaching career in 1986 in Cypress-Fairbanks ISD teaching secondary mathematics and computer science. During that time in the summer, she also taught a national distant education course to struggling secondary mathematics students through Region 4 Education Service Center. In 1990, over 6,000 students were enrolled in this course. Wheeler began working full time for Region 4 in 1995 as an Educational Specialist in Mathematics and has also served as Director of Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies Services. She currently serves as Managing Director for the Office of Business Development at Region 4.

Wheeler has authored numerous mathematics instructional resources and professional development sessions that align curriculum, assessment, and instruction to facilitate student achievement. She provided leadership to the development of instructional materials that are currently utilized in 27 states and 3 continents.

In 2007 – 2008, she served as the president of the Texas Council of Teachers of Mathematics and supported CAMT by serving on the CAMT Board from 2000 through 2008. Wheeler earned her Bachelor of Science Degree in Applied Mathematics from Lamar University and her Masters of Education from The University of Houston.

January, 2009